Jonas Loose
@Jonas Loose
Jonas Loose works as a food and advertising photographer, while also experimenting with new forms of expression as a digital artist. In his colorful, surreal works, Jonas combines everyday items, animals, plants and more, surprising the viewer with unusual, yet clever compositions. He draws his inspiration not just from the commercial sector, but also from his fascination with nature. Whether it’s seaunicorns, moon balloons or flamingo ice creams, in Jonas’ world there’s nothing that doesn’t exist.
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Uma Gokhale
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Jonas Loose
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Artist Biography

Jonas Loose works as a food and advertising photographer, while also experimenting with new forms of expression as a digital artist. In his colorful, surreal works, Jonas combines everyday items, animals, plants and more, surprising the viewer with unusual, yet clever compositions. He draws his inspiration not just from the commercial sector, but also from his fascination with nature. Whether it’s seaunicorns, moon balloons or flamingo ice creams, in Jonas’ world there’s nothing that doesn’t exist.
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